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Our Hear the Lion Roar! vodcast has celebrated two birthdays, which means over two years of monthly vodcasts for mortgage brokers and protection advisers to tune into. We believe knowledge is power, so these are available for all brokers and advisers, even those not yet part of PRIMIS.

Not listened to it yet? Our vodcast is where you get keen insights, not only from passionate and professional individuals from within PRIMIS, but also from industry experts and representatives from some of the largest lenders on the market. From key business trends to major product changes, our monthly vodcast has been the place for brokers and advisers with their ears to the ground to get the updates they need to stay one step ahead of a fast-moving market. And now you can access Hear the Lion Roar in podcast form on major podcast sites: Spotify and Google Podcast.

What is Hear the Lion Roar?

To help our brokers and advisers keep up in an industry that is ever-changing, we began the vodcast series and members of our Propositions team invited key contacts from our panel of lenders, providers and building societies to go into detail about some of their most significant product changes or wider market trends. Hearing first-hand from the experts how you as a broker can adapt to major changes in the financial services industry, offers invaluable insight into how you can continue to grow your business and support customers even during periods of uncertainty. In 2023 alone, there have been opportunities to hear directly from Royal London, The Exeter, Cambridge Building Society, Cirencester Friendly and more. Our Propositions team hosts uncovered expert knowledge from those behind the scenes relating to product changes and updates, bringing these to the forefront so you can maximise opportunities for your customers and business.

How can I now access Hear the Lion Roar?

Up until very recently, Hear the Lion Roar was available for our brokers and advisers exclusively on our official PRIMIS Mortgage Network YouTube channel which you can access by clicking here.

It just got even better! You can now also access monthly episodes of Hear the Lion Roar in podcast form via Spotify or Google Podcast. By opening new avenues of accessibility, we hope to be able to make it easier than ever for our listeners to tune in to new episodes. Not only can you keep up with new releases in the series, but you can also listen in to all our previous instalments from this year, going back to January 2023 where we were joined by Roger Morris, Tandem’s Director of Mortgage Sales and Distributions to discuss the different kinds of products and services offered by ‘the new kid on the block’. Don’t worry, the vodcast editions aren’t going anywhere! You can continue to both listen and watch the action, as our YouTube channel will continue to showcase each new release.

Why should you listen to Hear the Lion Roar?

Now that you know where you can listen in to each episode of Hear the Lion Roar, why should you tune in? Any mortgage broker or protection adviser, within our network or active in the industry, knows just how difficult it can be to keep up with the market’s constant product changes and compliance updates. It’s this struggle which led to us introducing Lemonade, our support resource documenting all the latest product and rate changes, which you can learn more about here or by getting in touch with our Experts Team at The vodcast was introduced as another source of guidance, offering a real in-depth analysis of not only proposition updates but also challenges posing our market which you need to be aware of. Each monthly episode ensures you are kept up to date with all the facts, so that you can continue to deliver the best outcomes possible for your customers.

Want to be part of a mortgage network that does everything they can to ensure you can focus on what you do best – help customers? Then click the link below to find out how you can begin your journey with PRIMIS.

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