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Our next broker hero showcase is Andrew Glover, from Purely Financial Planning.

Aga and Tom’s Hero Case Study

A broker hero story from Aga and Tom at GRN Financial Services …

Clients, Mr and Mrs S, were referred by a solicitor a few years ago for a remortgage. Their original mortgage had been purchased from an agency broker and Mr and Mrs S had not been happy with the service, so when it came to their remortgage, they asked their solicitor to recommend someone – and he directed them to GRN Financial Services.

The remortgage case was taken on by Aga, who during the fact find and review of documents, noticed a few gaps in Mr and Mrs S’s protection cover. She spotted that they didn’t have any income protection and only had decreasing cover for their mortgage repayment. So she asked her colleague Tom to help with their protection requirements.

Tom provided Mr and Mrs S with a wealth of advice, and having listened carefully to their requirements, did a comprehensive job. He completed their multi benefit plan as well as income protection during the course of 2020.

In 2022 Mr and Mrs S were in touch again to remortgage. Sadly, at this stage, Mrs S had discovered she had cancer. She had already been in receipt of some income protection payments – protection she would not have had if Tom had not been so thorough in his protection advice. She was very grateful. Again, Aga helped with the mortgage requirements and did a product transfer (due to the fact the Mrs S was in treatment and off work).

Mrs S contacted GRN Financial Services again in March 2023, this time sharing the unfortunate news that she was terminally ill. British Friendly and Tom were already in regular contact with her and payments were being made with no issues. But now the prognosis had changed and she needed to open a terminal illness claim as she had a life expectancy of 3 months. Tom duly opened the claim and a few weeks later she sadly died.

As Tom had also ensured Mr and Mrs S’s Wills were up to date at their initial visit, although the circumstances are incredibly sad, Mr S was able to pay off the outstanding mortgage debt and received £50K in critical insurance cover. All of this with minimal fuss as the policies were placed in Trust to Mr S at the time of the initial visit.

These clients have benefitted – albeit in tragic circumstances – from excellent advice and diligence provided by both Aga and Tom at GRN Financial Services.

Putting their customers first as standard.

Aga and Tom – you are PRIMIS Broker Heroes !