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Our next broker hero showcase is David Conway, from Clayhall Financial Services.

David’s Hero Case Study

David wanted to share his client’s story, as he felt it was very powerful evidence that the system works well and that clients are supported by providers.

David’s client shared her story in her own words:

“When David first recommended Critical Illness Cover for me, I agreed that it would be a sensible idea, but never truly thought that I would make a claim. As a healthy, relatively young woman in my thirties with two young children, I felt that I was at low risk of being diagnosed with a serious illness.

A few years later, at the age of 38, my world fell apart due to an unexpected diagnosis of a malignant neuroendocrine cancer in my pancreas. Major surgery and a lengthy period in hospital followed quickly. We were thrown into a very unpredictable and scary cycle of ongoing scans and oncology appointments. It’s very hard to put into words the extreme emotions that overwhelmed me and my family during this time. We were fearful for our future and struggling to maintain a sense of normality for our children. The list of issues that we had to deal with was enormous, however, due to our ‘Broker Hero’, we did not have to add financial concerns to our list of worries.

My husband was amazing during this time and supported our children with the help of our extended family. Due to the sudden increase in his role with childcare and running our home, my husband was unable to work his usual shift patterns in the hospital and could no longer undertake overtime work. We also had increased expenses for childcare and travel costs, due to my period in a specialist hospital which was quite a distance from our home. The fact that we were able to make a claim through my Critical Illness Policy meant that we did not have to worry about these issues and my husband was able to be at home, where we needed him to be.

I am three years post-diagnosis now and fortunately doing very well. We have no idea what the future holds, but we have increased financial security due to the pay-out we received from my claim. It is comforting to know that we have sufficient resources to support us. Looking back on our initial meeting with David, I am eternally grateful for his recommendations regarding our insurance requirements and the fact that he encouraged me to consider taking out a policy. A policy that I never imagined I would need. David is truly a hero to our family and I would recommend him and his team to anyone looking for insurance advice.”