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Our next broker hero showcase is Amo Singh, from Vital Protection.

Amo’s Hero Case Study

The pandemic has taken a major toll on everyone’s mental health, some more so than others. During these unprecedented times we do not know what the impact will be on our everyday lives.

In July 2020 I advised my client on the features and benefits of an income protection product. After some discussion, she decided to take out the plan.  This year, during our regular annual review, my client advised me that she had been off work with stress since December 2020. She made enquiries about a claim directly with her provider (Cirencester) but was very overwhelmed with the forms and complicated jargon. Not wanting to add to her anxiety she decided against the claim.

Having established the scenario during our annual review, I advised her that I would take ownership of the claim process. After almost two months of deliberation and correspondence with the provider, I helped her achieve a positive outcome of backdated benefits in 4 figures and a continuous monthly benefit until she is fit to return to work!

I went on the claims journey with my client. She was extremely grateful for all the help and support she received, and realised the true value of dealing with professionals.

I personally felt very proud of the job advisers do for their valued clients.