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Our next broker hero showcase is Fiona Rhys-Jones, from LL Financial Solutions.

Fiona’s Hero Case Study

My clients in this case study are a young couple with three children, one of which a baby. I set up single Life, Critical Illness Cover (CIC) and Family Income benefit (FIB) policies for the husband and wife.

The wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and I helped her claim on her CIC policy, explaining that she would receive £35,000 as the policies were with AIG. My client said this would help so much, as she earns more money than her husband and wouldn’t need to worry about being off work.

The policy was paid out relatively quickly and she rang me saying she thought there had been a mistake. As always, I never let anybody talk and just assumed they had paid her £25,000 (as their policies only used to pay out this amount). I told her this and said I would chase it for her. She then said that this wasn’t the case and that they had actually paid out £97,500, which was the mortgage amount. My client was worried she’d have to pay some of it back. I called AIG and they confirmed she was being paid the full amount. My client and her husband were delighted, she was crying and said that this has changed their life and their children’s lives.

Since then my clients decided to pay off some of their mortgage, but have kept some back for savings and they put some in a pot for Christmas. The husband has also asked for more cover, which I have arranged. The wife if having chemotherapy treatment and is responding really well. This case study shows the benefit of single policies, as the husband was able to keep his policies and increased his cover. The wife still has FIB in place in case she ever needs it.