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Our next broker hero showcase is Andrew Davidson, from AJD Financial Services.

Andrew’s Hero Case Study

Four years ago two of my sons were still living at home with my wife and I. The eldest had moved into his first home with his partner. I arranged the mortgage, as well as Life insurance and Critical Illness Cover (CIC) for mortgage protection.

My two younger sons were talking about going travelling, so I advised them both to take out a Life policy with CIC. This was more to protect my wife and I if they died abroad. We had heard horrendous stories of families paying thousands to get family members flown home to the UK.

Little did we know what was about to happen, just six months after starting the cover. My middle son was 23 and had gone travelling in Thailand. Six weeks into his journey he crashed a motorbike and badly damaged his right leg, severing the artery. Unfortunately sepsis set in and his leg was amputated to above the knee. He very nearly died.

Five weeks later we arranged for him to be flown to Belfast. His cover with AIG had £30k of CIC on it, which we claimed for on “loss of limb”. AIG were brilliant and paid this out within two weeks.

My son did not return to work for over a year. This money allowed him to recover and adjust to his “new normal”. He even bought a 30 year old VW camper, which he took to Europe alone for 10 weeks the following summer. Cherry, as he calls her, gives him freedom to get away and find headspace that he needs.

My wife and I are so glad we encouraged our sons to take out this cover. You hope it is never needed, but who knows?