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Our next broker hero showcase is from Liam Cook, from Cream Financial Solutions.

Liam’s Hero Case Study

One of our long-standing clients had a review call arranged with me to make sure she had the cover that she needed. The client’s new policy was on risk at the end of May. During the first week of July she unfortunately had to make a claim, as she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. We helped with the claims process as much we could, doing the legwork for our client. We were her main port of call, so she didn’t have the deal with the provider as much.

The policy was paid out in September from the critical illness cover part of the plan. The full lump sum amount was over £50k. In addition the client had an income protection policy in place, which paid out over £900 per month from August throughout her illness. Having these two policies in place meant our client could put some money aside and still have money to live off whilst not working. As well as monetary value, the Helping Hand feature of the plan gave support to the whole family. The nurses talked to our client’s children and helped them cope with this difficult situation.

Our client had several operations and panicked about her sick pay from work ending, she was going to try to work through her treatment. When we explained that she didn’t need to go back to work while she was ill, it was a massive relief for her. When she was having her chemotherapy she said it made her feel so poorly that she physically couldn’t have worked during that time. The money our client received gave her support during her chemotherapy. She also chose when she returned to work and for how many hours, whilst receiving a proportion of her income protection policy. She also had the option to stop and re-start work if it was too much for her, giving her extra reassurance.

Our client is now back at work and her story makes me remember why I do this job.

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