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We want to showcase you, our broker heroes, and the difference you make to your clients’ lives through the protection solutions you put in place. Our next broker hero showcase is Scott Gissing, Insurance First.

Scott’s Story

I started reviewing existing cover for my clients in December 2020. They were paying a total of £195 a month for:

  • £228k decreasing term assurance life only
  • £66k level term assurance life protecting the mortgage and help-to-buy loan
  • £50,000 level term assurance critical illness cover only

We went through a lot of back and forth to make them see the value in protecting the full mortgage with life and critical illness cover, as the wife was the main income provider and her husband worked as a carer for their son.

They finally agreed on an increased budget to £315 and sought to obtain the best cover available with Guardian, protecting their full mortgage with life and critical illness. After medicals and General Practitioner Reporting (GPR), the policies started in May 2021.

I took a call in July from the clients. They informed me that the wife had found a lump in June and she now had received confirmation that it was stage three breast cancer. They explained that she would need to start an intensive course of treatment that week.

This was a challenging review which has ultimately done exactly what it needed to – less than a month after it started. The clients don’t just have £50,000 paying out, which would have covered the reduction in earning for her for around 6 months, they have the entire mortgage repaid. This means that the wife doesn’t have to worry about returning to work while having treatment and her husband can continue to care for their son. She is also already getting the process started to utilise the additional benefits Guardian offered to help support her and the family throughout the ordeal. We just have to hope she comes through it all now!

The clients were extremely thankful that they listened to our advice and made the improvements, otherwise who knows how they would have carried on. The husband did not need to increase working hours to keep the household finances in order, meaning he could continue to give their son the attention he needed.

Director of Insurance First, Liam Morrisey, said: “It just goes to show the power of disturbance and not being afraid to advise our clients on what they need. In a heartbeat our clients’ lives can change!”

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