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We want to showcase you, our broker heroes, and the difference you make to your clients’ lives through the protection solutions you put in place. Our next broker hero showcase is Mike Grimes, Maine Financial LLP.

Mike’s Story

On 29 October I received a phone call from a client telling me her husband had died suddenly the previous morning. This was unexpected, as he was only 57 and thought to be fit and well.

I have looked after these clients for nearly 20 years and done lots of work for them. I considered them to part of the Maine Financial family, just like all our clients. It was very upsetting speaking to this friend telling me about the last few minutes of her husband’s life.

When something like this happens, I immediately think “did I do a proper job?” In this case, thankfully, yes. I cannot bring my client’s husband back to life, but I can arrange for my client to receive about £275,000. She was expecting £250,000. This is why we do the job we do. We think that it’s never going to happen but what if it does? My client no longer has her husband, but at least she should not have any money worries in the future.

I went to the funeral and the following day my client phoned to say thanks for coming and how grateful her husband would be that I took the time to honour and respect him. Sometimes this is not a pleasant job, but it’s rewarding to know that I have done some good. Plan for the worst and hope for the best is my motto.

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