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We want to showcase you, our broker heroes, and the difference you make to your clients’ lives through the protection solutions you put in place. Our next broker hero showcase is Marney Magee, Magee Mortgage Solutions.

Marney’s Story

I covered my clients’ mortgage for Life, Critical Illness and Income Protection. She was recently due to come off her fixed rate, so I contacted her to discuss her mortgage requirements.

I got a feeling the client was not her usual self and probed her to find out if she was feeling ok. She told me she had been off work for a few weeks as “they had found a lump on her thyroid but had got it early so she was ok.” I was a bit taken a back about how casual the client was. I asked her to get me the full diagnosis from her GP. She said she was fine and there was no reason to claim, as they had taken it away.

I started the claim with Aviva in May. In July she contacted me to say Aviva were going to pay out over £86,000. She said she felt like she has won the lottery. The crazy thing is she would never have considered claiming, she genuinely thought it wasn’t serious enough.

Had I not called her to complete her mortgage review, and had I not picked up on the fact that she wasn’t really herself, she was not going to tell me. She is 36 years of age and now has enough money in the bank to pay off her mortgage if she wants to. More importantly she beat cancer… that beats winning the lottery any day!

I have been doing this job for five years and there have been many days I have thought of packing in it and getting a “real” job where I don’t need to think about where my next client or next pay cheque will come. The day I got the call to say Aviva were paying out I was delighted, I gained true clarity and confidence in myself and what I do. I know I genuinely made a difference and changed that client’s life. I love my job and what I do, that day I felt like a Hero!

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