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As a mortgage network, PRIMIS are unusual in that we allow our advisers to use social media as a tool for engaging with prospective buyers. other networks deem this notion far too risky and forbid the use of it totally, but for the moment PRIMIS are confident that we can mitigate those risks as long as the process is followed correctly. Find out how you can make the most of social media while staying within the approved guidelines set out by our financial promotions team.

Obtaining your social media license

Before you start drawing up your social media content plan, you will need to first obtain a social media licence which is issued by our Financial Promotions team. This 3-year licence will only be issued to nominated individuals of your firm in the event that all steps within the licensing procedure are completed. This includes the following:

  • Application for licence – Request by emailing the financial promotions team inbox
  • Training – Complete the social media attainment module on training matters, not the financial promotion’s module (as this one is part of half year testing)raining
  • Network assessment – Financial promotions team will assess your social media profiles (URL Form on training matters to be completed detailing social media profiles you have set up) upon completion of module.
  • Issue of licence certificate – A certificate is issued once all profiles have been approved.
  • Maintenance of licence – Social Media Oversight checks conducted regularly to ensure compliance with regulatory and Network policies.
  • AR principal – Annual affirmation – Licence Holders will be required to provide an annual affirmation to confirm all details are correct.
  • Licence expiry/renewal – 3-year licence process will restart upon expiry.

Once your social media licence has been issued, you will have permission to begin posting on the platform profiles which will have been approved during the Network assessment stage of the licensing procedure. By providing these channels, this will allow Financial Promotions to conduct regular, routine oversight to ensure that the material you post is clear, fair, and not misleading. If they identify any issues, they will be in contact to talk you through their findings and provide advice and guidance on how to avoid those mistakes in the future.

Financial promotions social media guide

There’s a lot you need to be aware of before you start posting on social media, even after you have completed your training required to obtain a social media licence, such as the Network only approve 6 platforms currently which are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube and LinkedIn. The profiles must be Business/Company profiles, not Personal, LinkedIn must be the AR firm or trading names’ official LinkedIn page only.

There are also social media do’s and don’ts to be aware of & record-keeping requirements of archived content to establishing a presence online. For the most thorough and in-depth breakdown of PRIMIS’ standards of practice as laid out by our Financial Promotions team, then download our Financial Promotions Guide here. If you are interested in further advice then feel free to reach out to our Financial Promotions team at the following email

It’s only with your co-operation that we can provide this facility. The onus is firmly upon you, as responsible advisers, to help us manage this effectively and keep you and the Network safe.

Your diligence is much appreciated.

Thank you.