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You cannot predict when you are going to fall ill. You may notice signs and symptoms but even these generally catch us off guard. Most adults tend to hold off seeking medical advice for themselves where they can but if you aren’t getting better, a visit to your local GP is definitely on the cards. And this is where the frustration can kick in. You ring up your GP surgery only to be told that all appointments are booked up or that they are working on skeleton staff – a GP appointment in a few days’ or weeks’ time just isn’t going to work.

NHS data shows that last year only 43% of patients were able to make an appointment on the same day, with the average waiting time standing at 6.4 days*. With 78% of people acknowledging that GPs are under a lot of pressure and 82% agreeing that the NHS can’t cope with the demands put upon it**.

At AIG Life, we carried out some research to look further into this. The results were astonishing but ultimately not surprising.

Making healthcare flexible

We know that it’s a fine line between protecting GPs due to the pressures they are currently facing and leaving conditions untreated in the hope everything will be fine. Sometimes early intervention by a GP is the most appropriate and safest thing to do. 

Our research also showed that 64% agree a video consultation via a smartphone or tablet would be much easier than a physical appointment. There is a clear need for online solutions that can promote good health while supporting the services that the NHS provide.

Here at AIG Life, we genuinely want to make a difference and help ease the burden on both the NHS and your clients. This is why we sourced the right service that resolves many of the issues brought to light in our research. Our new service, Smart Health, connects AIG Life customers and their families to a team of health and well-being experts. It offers 24/7 unlimited access 365 days a year – wherever they are in the world, at no additional cost.

Smart Health consists of six services available via a smartphone, tablet or desktop, with 24/7 GP access providing the support and important signposting a customer requires without the need to add to the pressure on their own GP practice. There is even an app available which allows your clients contact to a 24/7 GP on the go.

With Smart Health’s GP service, gone are the days of ringing up at a certain time, only to be put in a queue straight away. Your clients won’t have to battle with fitting appointments into their tight schedules or travel to a surgery and sit in a waiting room longer than they anticipated.  They can simply make an appointment at a time that suits them, day or night and be contacted by a GP via telephone or video call – so convenient in this fast-paced world.

Start a conversation about Smart Health today


It’s important to note that this service is entirely confidential. Health records are kept privately and robust encryption methods are employed to protect your clients’ personal information. Your client determines who can see the information in their record. AIG Life do not have access to their personal data.

*GP Appointments: Comparison to other collections – NHS Digital

**AIG Life research data conducted by ID Insight consulting amongst a representative sample of 2,008 UK working adults between 8th and 15th April 2019