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What do you think of when you hear ‘the Roaring Twenties’? Some might say jazz bands and flappers, others might say The Great Gatsby. But one key aspect of this decade was the economic prosperity. It was an era of growth.

So how can we make the most of the Roaring Twenties we find ourselves in now? Here are five top tips for 2020:

  1. Initial business planning and goal setting is essential for a clear vision, but it doesn’t end there. Daily focus and targets keeps track of progress and minimises surprises. Breaking down big targets into smaller ones makes them more manageable. For example booking five appointments a day, asking for three referrals from all clients. Over the weeks and months, these build and you’re more likely to see real progress.
  2. Don’t just focus on gaining new clients, remember to retain relationships with current clients. Keeping in touch with clients is important and will keep you at the forefront of their minds. Whether it’s a birthday, big life event or coming to the end of a client’s mortgage deal, your clients need to hear from you.
  3. Get the right support for your business. If your network isn’t helping you achieve your goals there are other options out there. New Year is a good time to take stock and reflect. Make sure you’re equipped to achieve your full potential in 2020.
  4. Make sure you have the right people around you in your business. Whether it’s advisers, administrative support or office management, ensure everyone knows your goals and is helping your business work towards them. If there’s something you’re not good at then pay someone who is, for example social media. This will allow you to focus on your goals and give you a better chance of achieving them.
  5. Embrace technology to make your life easier and help you give your customers fantastic experiences. Technology can help you maximise you data bank and help to streamline processes to optimise efficiency, whilst giving you more time to spend with your clients.

Want to know more about how you can make 2020 your best year yet? Get in touch with your local Regional Sales Director today to find out more.